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International Violist and Recording Artist
Composer and Performer

Karen Olson is a “Rock Star” of the viola and a World Class Vibrational Sound Healer. Her multiple award-winning music has been on the Top-ten of five Billboard charts, she is a longtime member of the New York Pops, and has been featured in two United Nations programs.

“Music That Sticks To Your Soul”

“Karen Olson’s masterpiece Divine Echoes is a glorious manifestation … of our connection to the divine … the exquisite elegance and every nuance of soulful symmetry open paths to a deeper appreciation of nature and spirituality.”

Jonathan Widran, The JW Vibe

“Karen Olson’s evocative style of playing reflects her abiding need to reach into the inner most recesses of the listener’s mind and spread peace.”

Ricky Kej, Three-time Grammy winning composer and UN “ Ambassador of Goodwill

“Karen with such clarity and command brings her music to you with grace and the knowledge of an enlightened spirit willing to share her own glimpse of heaven.”

Keith Hannaleck, “MuzikMan” Journalist


Greater New York City Area/NJ